Nasolabial Creases
Using the NuviCor MEWING device to reduce the Nasolabial fold - TRAINING THE ZYGOMATIC MUSCLES

Nasolabial Fold Elimination: Zygomatic Muscle Training
What of Causes Nasolabial Folds
​As we age, facial muscles gradually weaken, losing their tone and volume. This weakening reduces their ability to hold the fatty tissues in place, causing these tissues to shift downward due to gravity, a process known as gravitational ptosis.
The resulting sagging contributes to the formation of nasolabial folds, the deep lines running from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
How to Address This Problem
​The key to eliminating nasolabial folds lies in strengthening the zygomatic muscles, which are responsible for lifting and toning this area. The location of these muscles is shown in Figure 1.
To effectively train the zygomatic muscles, use the NuviCor MEWING device as shown in Figure 2.
The metal contacts of the device should touch the skin under the zygomatic bone.
For optimal muscle activation: Place your lips behind your teeth (as illustrated in Figure 2). Smile and hold this position to engage the zygomatic muscles effectively.
This specific lip placement facilitates isometric tension, which is ideal for rebuilding muscle strength and tone rapidly.

Practical Application of Zygomatic Muscle Training
To start, enable the PREVIEW option in the app (Figure 3). This allows you to see a red bar moving up and down as your zygomatic muscles tense and relax, confirming the muscle activation.
Once you've mastered this initial tension, proceed to the exercises. After completing a muscle test (Figure 4), the app adjusts the exercise difficulty according to your muscle strength.

Exercise #1
You will tense and relax your zygomatic muscles five times.
On your phone screen, a blue graph will represent your muscle tension, while a red line indicates the target tension level.
When you hear a voice command, increase the muscle tension so that the blue graph rises above the red line (Figure 5).
Initially, this might be challenging, but the device will adjust to your strength, making the exercise easier over time.
After a 20-second rest, repeat the cycle several times. The session ends with a results window, where you can save your progress and continue to Exercise #2.
Exercise #2
This step focuses on muscle coordination rather than force.
You'll need to maintain your muscle tension within the designated squares on the screen (Figure 6).
Although this task requires precision rather than strength, it involves several repetitive cycles with rest intervals.

Exercise #3
The goal of this final exercise is to build muscle endurance.
Here, you will watch a movie (Figure 7A). The film will pause if your muscle tension drops below the required level (Figure 7B). To resume, simply increase your muscle tension.
While this exercise is less strenuous, it is crucial for improving long-term muscle tone. You can select any movie or slideshow, with instructions provided in the app's manual.

Additional Tips
For even faster results in reducing nasolabial folds, it is recommended to combine this zygomatic muscle training with cheek muscle recovery exercises.
Detailed instructions for cheek muscle training using the NuviCor MEWING device, specifically for the buccinator muscle, can be found in the section "Cheek Lift" of the manual.
Following this structured approach with consistency will help restore muscle tone and reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds, leading to a smoother, more youthful facial contour.