Removal of Jowls
and Neck Rejuvenation
NuviCor MEWING device for
Platyzma muscle training
Eliminating Jowls and Rejuvenating the Neck Using NuviCor MEWING for Platysma Training​

1. Understanding the Cause of Jowls
Facial aging, including the development of jowls, often begins after age 35. The primary cause is the weakening of facial muscles, which leads to a loss of muscle mass, strength, and tone.
When we are young, these muscles keep the skin taut and hold fat compartments in place. As they weaken, the skin starts to sag, and fat accumulates in the lower areas of the face, forming jowls and nasolabial folds.
The Platysma muscle, a broad muscle in the neck, plays a crucial role here. It stretches from the chest up to the jawline, and its weakening is most pronounced at its upper edge, causing sagging skin and the appearance of jowls. Figure 1 illustrates the muscle's location and the common areas where jowls form.
The Solution: Training the Platysma
The only proven method to restore facial muscle function is exercise. Unlike massages, taping, or topical creams, face fitness directly targets muscle strength and tone through regular training.
How to Effectively Train the Platysma
To begin, it's important to learn how to properly tense the Platysma muscle. Figure 2 demonstrates this:
In a relaxed state (Fig. 2-A), the neck appears smooth.
When the Platysma is tensed (Fig. 2-B), it pulls down the corners of the mouth using neck muscles, not lips.
Practice this motion in front of a mirror to ensure correct technique.

Next, use the NuviCor MEWING device:
Position the device on your neck, just above the center of the collarbone, as shown in Figure 3.
The metal contacts should be pressed against the skin, ideally resting on the collarbone for stability.

After a muscle test (Fig. 5), the app will personalize the difficulty level to match your current muscle strength.
Tense and relax the Platysma several times while checking the app's PREVIEW feature (Fig. 4).
The red bar should rise and fall with your muscle tension.

Exercise #1
Tense and relax the Platysma muscle five times. The app will display a blue graph indicating your muscle effort. Aim to increase your tension so the blue line surpasses the red target line (Fig. 6).
At first, this may be challenging, but the device adjusts based on your performance, making it easier as you progress.
After a 20-second rest, repeat the exercise for multiple cycles. The session ends with a summary window where you can save your progress and move on to the next exercise.
Exercise #2
This involves precise, controlled muscle tension. You will align your muscle effort with a visual guide on the screen, ensuring your tension stays within the designated squares (Fig. 7).
This exercise is not about the intensity of tension but rather the precision of maintaining it within the target range.
Similar to the first exercise, it consists of repetitive cycles with short rest breaks in between.

Exercise #3
The goal here is to develop muscle endurance, which helps maintain long-term muscle tone. Instead of a graph, you watch a movie (Fig. 8A), which will pause if your muscle tension drops below the required level (Fig. 8B). To resume playback, simply increase your tension slightly.
This exercise is crucial for boosting muscle endurance and should be done carefully.
You can select any movie or slide presentation during this exercise, and detailed instructions are provided in the manual.

Enhancing Results
For faster elimination of jowls, combine Platysma training with exercises for the cheek muscles. This additional routine is detailed in the “Cheek Lift” section, which covers using NuviCor MEWING for the training of the Buccinator muscle, an essential component of facial fitness.
By following this comprehensive approach using NuviCor MEWING, you can effectively target and strengthen the Platysma, reduce sagging, and achieve a more youthful, toned appearance in both the neck and lower face.